The New Sculpture Group – A Look Back: 1957-1962

In March of 1988, Judd Tully curated an exhibition at the New York Studio School which brought together artists of the New Sculpture Group thirty years after their debut. This series of videos documents the installation, opening and walkthru of the exhibition and works.

Part I – Installation

Part II – Opening

Part III – Walkthru

Featured or mentioned in the videos:
Peter Agostini  Fred Farr Blanche Phillips
Calvin Albert Jean Follett Raymond Rocklin
Anne Arnold Mary Frank Richards Ruben
Waldemar Baranowski Sidney Geist Abram Schlemowitz
Will Barnett Joe Giridono Jason Seley
James Bohary David Hare David Smith
Grace Borgenicht Bruce Duff Hooten Giorgio Spaventa
Louise Bourgeois Glenn Jampol Richard Stankavich
Richard Brown Baker Barbara Kadish Robert Storr
Lawerence Campbell Reuben Kadish George Sugarman
Rhys Caparn Herbert Kallem Judd Tully
John Chamberlain Bill King Ruth Vodicka
Mac Chambers William King Herbert Vogel
Herman Cherry Gabriel Kohn Dorthy Vogel
Regina Cherry Hilton Kramer
Ornette Coleman Israel Levitan
Charles Coles Richard Maleri
Blanche Dombek Garry Nichols
Marisol Escobar Philip Pavia